Okay...I was vacillating about whether or not to write about my current state of homesickness and decided that because it is part of my Alaska experience, I will. I'll keep it brief but if you don't want to read about it, skip down until you see the next "Okay".
I miss people; my daughters, my friends. I miss streets clean as a result of the rain. I miss my motorcycle. I miss the familiarity of the Seattle area. I don't like my new license or license plate. I miss being able to find things that I think I need at the store (fresh organic produce and meats, red worms for a worm bin, healthy house plants, any house plants other than the boring "normal" variety that look like death warmed over...).
I cried at the grocery store today when I found Cascadian Farm organic granola! Cascadian Farm is the blueberry farm in the upper Skagit Valley along Hwy 20. I see it every time I take my favorite motorcycle ride which leads me to Winthrop. On the several hour trip to Winthrop, Cascadian Farm is a great place to stop for antioxidants and a bathroom. (BTW...the granola is good! The variety I chose has a slight, but definite, molasses taste).
There are a whole slew of things making me homesick. Some of them are minor, others are a bit more.
Okay...I'm done.
Now it's time to tell you about what I like about Alaska. I guess for now "Alaska" means Anchorage because, except for a few weekend jaunts, that's where my experience has been so far.
I like looking out my apartment window and watching the activity at the port and the railroad yard. I like watching the ice as it floats at a good clip along Cook Inlet on the drastic tides that challenge tug boat captains and cause bore tides. I like seeing our "Sleeping Lady" across the inlet, clear to my view or over-shadowed with clouds. I like watching planes take off and land at Stevens International Airport (where you will fly in when you come to visit me). I like the 30+ minute sunsets I see most days from my apartment window. I like that my commute to work is less than 15 minutes. I like my job. I like that my boss so readily explains things, shares stories, and is glad to have me here. I like watching from my office window as the jets take off. I like snow, especially when it's falling and when it rests on the trees. I'm beginning to appreciate the "Island Time" people keep around here. I'm glad that there are Democrats in Alaska and I'm glad we have NPR. I like coming home every day.
I like that email and instant message exist and that there are cell phone plans that allow me to call my children and keep in touch with friends.
I look forward to learning about Lisa. Who am I outside of mother and employee? Will I find a passion or continue to dabble here and there? I expect that the time I spend crying and getting over missing people, working in my garden, learning more about the plants and animals of Alaska, seeing the beautiful sights that surround me and meeting new people will help me figure out who I am and what the next phase of my life will be.
As I share my life, I want to hear about yours... what you're doing, what helps you to be happy and brings you joy, what causes you to worry or be sad, what are your hopes and dreams.....
I send my love out to each of you...I wouldn't be missing you if you hadn't profoundly touched my life in a positive way.
I have a lot of vacation time...please come and visit! I promise to be over this homesickness in the very near future. Better to wallow in it and feel it for a short, intense time than to drag it out!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
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Denali - View from Visitor Center August 2008
I love hearing about your new life and know about homesickness--remember when I left the PNW for SoCal for college? Maybe you could go somewhere public like the library and solicit ppl for a game of scrabble? Love Shannon